it's 2024 and now we have:
16 outdoor and 7 indoor Pickleball courts. ( No
sign of any outdoor soccer). Open to Flyte
members, only @ $200 per month membership !
So much for catering to the community -- more like to
the well-off.
The soccer folks who promoted all this must be SO PLEASED !
$250 if you want to include tennis (on the 6 outdoor tennis courts).
There's a bar with alcohol license coming soon and also a gym and jacuzzi
coming soon . (4 Padel courts coming )
Despite being pretty far away from Vendola Drive
the pickleball bats on balls can be heard regularly.
DIVERSITY sent SR a list of names in
opposition to the project.
The proposed project would require a
significant change inland use, with
attendant noise, nighttime
lighting and disturbance impacts on endangered
species that
are not adequately
mitigated in the proposed project.
The EIRdoes not comply with the California Environmental
Quality Act,since it does not
adequatelydescribethe project or evaluate all usesthat would be permitted, failsto
adequately analyze and mitigate
the project’s
environmental impacts, and does not adequately
to the proposed project.
" significant threats to the species."
Indoor soccer needs can be met from other locations that
would not disturb environment.
Deed Restriction intent was a
balance of allowing development in one location -- for NO comparable
development in the airport. Several local politicians of the time,
corroborate this. ( Marin
Conservation League "the intent of the covenant, was to limit
development and human activities, not to intensify development.")
Inadequate NOISE ANALYSIS taken at 1,000 feet but nearest
residence is 750 feet.
County General Plan maps this as DIKED BAYLANDS requiring
more protection.
The Airport LAND USE agreement recommends prohibiting
group recreation.
Airport is surrounded by un-engineered
Both county and Airport deny responsibility for
maintaining areas of levees.
no climate change issues have been addressed.
Does the City have liability for Accidents?
Airport has to confirm or deny that is Federal Exempt.
Demand for outdoor soccer fields met with only one field.
Airport Project Planner
City of San Rafael,
1400 Fifth Avenue,
P.O. Box 151560,
San Rafael, CA 94915,
Community Development
(415) 485-3085
2023 July 8th 10:02 PM power outage
from a plane colliding with power lines.
The plane crashed into the marsh just outside the airport. Power lines were
wrapped around it.
PG&E turned off the electricity to the power lines. They extricated
one of the occupants in whose now in critical condition.
The second occupant was deceased.
The flight originated in Minden, Nevada
the California Clapper Rail (now called Ridgway’s Rail). Latest research.
This video will also examine three nearby construction projects that have
impacted the rails which have disappeared on the North fork of Gallinas
Creek (2017). Perhaps justifying a
" While Marin
Audubon Society does not actually
oppose many projects, our Board voted unanimously to oppose this one because
of the many environmental impacts this project would cause.
There are many reasons to oppose this massive project:
safety and
environmental impacts.
The potential adverse environmental impacts are numerous.
The multitude of people that would be attracted to the games, would
disturb the adjacent tidal marsh and the species that depend on it. All of
Gallinas Creek is Clapper Rail habitat; in fact, it has the largest
population of endangered California Clapper
Rails in the North Bay. Clapper Rails
have been observed in the tidal marsh immediately adjacent to the site.
The almost constant presence of crowds of people,
undoubtedly many with dogs,
the increased noise,
lights, and litter would adversely
impact the Clapper Rails and the many other species that depend on the
Gallinas Creek tidal marshes.
The entire site is diked baylands, former tidal
marsh. San Rafael General Plan policies support
protecting baylands.
The EIR consultant claimed the policy does not apply because the site no
longer has the functions and values of baylands. The policy does not require
that wetland functions be currently
present, and those functions could easily be restored as long as the project is
not built.
Furthermore, the project, even with constant maintenance of the levees,
would always be subject to flooding from sea
level rise. The site has subsided and is only kept from flooding by the
extensive levee system and pumps.
We oppose developments in low-lying baylands.
The safety risk related to possible
plane collisions is also a concern.
We are not opposed to soccer fields, but we are opposed to building them on
baylands in this location and any other bayland location, particularly those
where Clapper Rails could be adversely affected.
We have already lost significant bayland habitat to such uses – fields in
Larkspur, Mill Valley and Corte Madera to name just a few. It is time
to stop!
How you can help: Marin Audubon Society urges
all members, particularly San Rafael residents, to send an e-mail to the
city opposing the project for any one or more of the reasons stated above.
You can also write a letter or, better yet, appear at the hearing and
express your views. "
Alternative Locations without an
environmental impact:
We used to play indoor soccer in a converted warehouse. For a
fraction of the cost of the proposed Complex.
Put down flooring, protect glass and install portable walls. Voila an indoor
soccer rink!
The real need in the county is for OUTDOOR soccer. This proposal has ONE
SOCCER field!
If the building wasn't there -- perhaps there could be 3 soccer fields.
Since 6 years ago, when all this
started, there has been a drastic change of retail and commercial occupancy.
Lots & Buildings lay empty, which could house indoor soccer! For a fraction
of the cost of this proposed monstrous Complex.
If only this proposal was about soccer.
Its about 2 big businesses trying to make money out of soccer.