Due to development pressures, the potential exists that one or more of the owners of the private open space parcels may seek to amend the CWP and change the OA zoning to allow for development. In anticipation of this emerging issue, the Board may wish to discuss and decide whether it is appropriate to establish criteria to be considered in reviewing future reuse requests. Should your Board agree with this approach, staff has prepared the following draft criteria for your Board’s consideration. In order for a CWP amendment and Rezoning of private open space parcels located in the City Centered Corridor to be considered, the applicant shall demonstrate that: 1. The property qualifies as an infill site where all public services (fire and law enforcement) and infrastructure (water and sewer) are available; 2. The development would not occur on sensitive environmental features and constrained areas, such as baylands, wetlands, creeks, unstable slopes, and ridgelines; 3. The property no longer provides public benefits from the parkland and/or recreational uses that were originally contemplated; 4. The development would not reduce or eliminate existing public access or the availability of open space and recreational opportunities that benefit the community; 5. The development would provide substantial public benefits with an emphasis on creating additional long-term affordable housing opportunities for low and very low income households; and 6. The development would provide equivalent parkland facilities within the planning area or in-lieu fees, if applicable, to compensate for the removal of park/open space that may have been required to satisfy a prior development’s parkland requirements. Following a discussion of this matter, your Board may provide direction to staff about the appropriateness of the above criteria and/or other criteria that should be considered in conjunction with potential reuse requests for private open space lands in the City Centered Corridor. Alternatively, if the Board does not wish to encourage such requests, your Board may direct staff to discontinue further work on developing the criteria.