Here are all of the Suggestions
that arose out of the workshop.
The Quantity of people making a suggestion was recorded. But as
EVERY SUGGESTION UNDER THE SUN was given, we have no real idea which
suggestions the majority would want. A Survey of
the people is required to rate ALL suggestions.
The Categories and suggestions follow:-
Special Uses
30% of the housing should be accessible with the balance being universal
Build a mixed-use community inclusive of the prison.
Bilbao Guggenheim-type museum.
Park, art, cultural, and educational facilities.
Habitat restoration along the bay.
Attractive townhouse development.
Resort and golf course
Community agriculture
Everything from civic to performing arts (no wilderness).
Transitional housing for inmates.
Market-rate housing.
Prison university with open space and public access.
Non-profit campus.
Sustainable community.
Mixture of affordable, market-rate, and high density housing with a multimodal
transit hub.
Upgrade and reform the prison; integrate with new cultural/educational
Rehabilitation University with extensive community involvement.
The Workshop Comments
The comments below were captured at each of the stations from participants. Numbers
parentheses (2) after a comment indicate multiple instances of that comment.
Open Space
. Mix development with open space.
. Parks/Open Space with high-density housing.
. No Housing!
. No housing that increases traffic on SFD.
. Not private but public.
. Maintain shoreline access.
. Maintain park area.
. Open space.
. Make it a park with maybe some limited (#200) housing units. Mixed income. No
prison, Use
historic structures, uses small spaces for innovative uses of youth hostels.
. All open space. No development.
. West Gate should be the main entrance since there is no village to go thru
. Very exposed at point to high winds.
. High density preserve open space for public us.
Other uses
. Conduct a study funded by Marin Community Foundation to take this
project into design and
establish more concrete ideas, give prices on different options for the site.
. Historical Museum.
. It is not financially feasible to rehab San Quentin. Prison not a good use.
Should be a regional
center for rapid transit, Guggenheim museum, European model housing. Conduct a
competition with international audience.
. Redevelop for residential and commercial. Huge piece of property valuable
transit hub. Best/highest
use in not a prison. Build accessible prison elsewhere.
To discuss the variety of housing types, feasibility issues, and identify what
might be appropriate for the site.
What types of housing should be created at San Quentin?
How should additional housing best address community needs?
Affordable Housing
. Let San Quentin be Open Space or at the most San Rafael's answer to
Tiburon. No 8,000 cars parking next to ferry, but water oriented
recreation. Only if traffic congestion is fixed should there be
any residential building whatsoever and then it should be 100% affordable, detached,
mobile/manufactured homes on their own reasonably sized lot to
take advantage of california's sunny climate.
. Affordable housing, heavily mixed use, live and work in the
same place, small town feel; not over 3 stories, European feel.
. Homes should be made affordable for the people who work in the County of Marin
. Affordable work-force housing.
. Any development resources need high proportion of affordable workforce
. High concentration of affordable workforce housing both rental and 1st time
. Major focus on workforce housing (i.e. affordable).
. Permanently affordable housing.
. Build housing affordable.
. Affordable low-end, market, mixed income.
. Affordable housing.
. Housing linked to jobs with employment location at San Quentin.
. Affordable housing for those making $30,000 annually.
. Affordable Housing and high diversity. High density 4-plex, duplex, and loft
. Affordable 2-3 story buildings.
. A range of affordable housing, including senior housing.
. Definitely affordable; large need in Marin County of Marin, we in Marin
appreciate the quiet and peacefulness and open space. Traffic is a major
. Senior Housing (3)
. Disabled Housing.
. Utilize the 100's
of thousands of affordable houses that already exist in Richmond by running
a 5 minute Rapid Bus service to and from Richmond Bart to San Rafael and
beyond. Encourage Richmond commuting with many incentives. more......
. Not a location for single-family homes. There is plenty, don't need more. Need
townhouse condo, rental mixed use, community needs. Density of affordability.
. Low density, very small units, affordable to low-income services etc. No large
. Affordable housing for teachers.
. Non-Profit "Campus" Student Housing
. Student Housing (similar to European student housing).
. Volunteer Housing.
. Single-family homes need potential for 2nd unit and zoning for 2nd unit.
. High density to keep cost per unit down with good architectural design
. Cell Conversion to single resident occupant units.
. Housing designed with shared outdoor areas.
. Courtyard design.
. Use Market rate homes to finance affordable homes.
. Reuse for affordable housing.
. Lease land from the State along the highway; multi-use housing (all kinds of
housing. Low income, middle income, no million-dollar homes.
. How many units of "affordable housing" does it take to save 1000
units of affordable housing? There are 100+ affordable units there now.
Type of Housing
. Should be
100% affordable, detached, mobile/manufactured homes on their own
reasonably sized lot to take advantage of california's sunny climate and
Marin's open space. Wouldn't it be ironic for people to have to live in
apartments in a county where 85% is open space? (When mobile/manufactured costs
the same to build.)
. Need to create a positive sense of place.
. Higher density housing, European styles with emphasis on design and
. Look towards high density/mixed use examples found in Europe.
. Houses that foster the spirit of community, affordable housing and
spaces/activities for families and children.
. Transform historic buildings into a model for social housing, mixed use. Liked
to transit multiple
design of unit to give choice and diversity. Infrastructure for human needs,
community gathering
spots. Good for singles.
. Well-designed density is attractive and can provide opportunities for healthy
communities, neighbors
who "it takes a village" Act, respond, to each other positively and
. Co-Housing.
. Row houses and more dense like San Francisco. Need good sound insulation
between both. Creative
community center for all ages. Outdoor/indoor plaza-style environment like
. Neighborhood Cafés.
. Gathering place for all residents of the County.
. Cluster housing with variety of housing styles and sizes.
. No high density. No tall apartment buildings.
. Not like Emeryville!
. Not like San Francisco.
. Like a Piazza in Venice.
. Less dense development the further it gets away from the core.
. Public Plaza's with multifamily housing.
. No castles, mini-mansion nothing over 7,000 SF.
. No units over 900 SF.
. Mix of Housing Units.
. Re-use of cellblocks as condo's.
. Mix of Housing: conventional, traditional, single family, multi-family.
. Integration of housing types San Francisco and Row Houses as example
. Integrate mixed types of housing on one block, Apartments with single family
. Integrate alleys and back yards and garages off the street.
. Grid Pattern Vs. Cul-de-sac
. Low density.
. Multifamily units with lots of open area, views to the bay.
. Neighborhood serving retail, like 7-11, video store etc.
. Address transportation first.
. No urban neighborhood.
. No row houses. Want European models. Services and mixed types of housing.
. Competitive design process for upscale.
. 3-4 bedroom high-density units, not just 1-2 bedrooms to accommodate families.
. High-density row houses.
. Share community gardens.
. Front Porches.
. Garage in Back.
. Pedestrian bike access.
. Work/Live Housing
. Housing without cars-multi-modal transit development
. No excess commercial with our current housing jobs imbalance. If affordable it
should be detached
manufactured or mobile. Teachers', policemen and fireman will not move from
Sonoma to live in
. High- density housing is the economic vehicle that could make San Quentin work
since the state will want money then housing could provide that.
. No mega-homes.
. No high rise.
. Heavy peak traffic into San Rafael/101 via 580.
. Creative mix of green housing, single to multi to senior.
. Integrate all housing developments with natural systems i.e. bay edge and open
space habitat corridors.
. Don't like new density, ugly, tiny in SR (2nd mission) some.
. Housing - diversity, economic reflective range $ (healthier) mix and
. Emphasize green sustainable as important as affordable. As much density that
is still humanistic
. Terrace along beach/Italian model villages, mixture of housing costs,
affordable etc. Self contained,
multi-generations plan for life stages, University option with housing.
. Minimum 20% inclusionary affordable with market rate housing. Cluster around
transportation mode.
Range, mix of types, densities, prices not homogenous. Design variety.
. Housing with 20% accessible units. Universal designing, all united, mixed use,
high density. Multimodal,
stackable, automatic parking to max efficiency space.
. Character a concern. Problem with 90's style, new urbanism seems cheesy, not
durable home
designing and materials. Building traditional character. Styles in Marin do not
look like it was all built
at same time. Respect diversity of cultural element in Marin.
. High-density mixed-use transit oriented office commercial functioning village.
. Don't need any more multimillion-dollar mansions.
Transit and Housing
. Mixed Use housing with high density. Would help to reduce vehicle
traffic if uses as a transportation hub. Rail, ferry, buses (local).
. Housing near transit.
. Pedestrian oriented with some services.
. Real hub with housing for workforce. Don't need single-family castles. Golden
opportunity for
apartments. Mixed-use green/solar. Showcase for housing. Transportation
. Co-Housing with community car share proposal.
. Greatly reduced parking ratios. Not suburban urban. Affordable
eligibility-prioritize people who work in county.
. Extend possible train line and have bus service.
. Transportation: How do you get there without the car? Real feeders. Real
Trolley, comfortable and
fun. Serious investment in sustainable infrastructure. Marin is the worst with
no option. Bicycles.
Address congestion of existing bridge traffic first before development.
. San Quentin Village - limit impact. Self centered mix of land use. Housing
reaming, work, pay
attention to housing impacts. Traffic on Main Street as cul-de-sac; no thru
vehicle (bike, pedestrian
only) on the Bay Trail along the shoreline.
. Utilize the 100's of thousands of affordable
houses that already exist in Richmond by running a 5 minute bus
service to and from Richmond Bart to San Rafael and beyond. Encourage
Richmond commuting with many incentives.
Circulation and Transportation
To discuss circulation and transportation issues into and out of the site as
well as the surrounding areas.
What transportation opportunities and constraints exist at San Quentin today?
How do people arrive and move around at the San Quentin of the future?
Traffic Congestion
. Sir Francis Drake Boulevard near the ferry terminal is already
. Any development at the site must factor in both local and regional traffic
levels, especially traffic from
the East Bay. Traffic congestion is just going to continue to worsen, and San
Quentin already
generates a significant amount of traffic congestion.
. Extending the rail line to San Quentin will not
solve traffic congestion.
. Development of a new village at San Quentin would create additional
demands on the roadway
infrastructure on Highways 101 and 580, as well as at the Highway 101 and Sir
Francis Drake Blvd.
interchange. The existing traffic congestion needs to be remedied before any new
. The intersection of Highway 101 and Sir Francis Drake Blvd. needs to be
widened to improve traffic
flows, which is a significant constraint.
. Any new development at San Quentin should be designed to reduce auto
. Cars should be not allowed into San Quentin. Parking would be provided at the
outskirts and people
would take shuttles into the property. Exceptions would include delivery and
safety vehicles.
Roadway Conditions
. Sight distance problems exist on East Sir Francis Drake Blvd. at
Anderson Drive. This condition makes
it dangerous to install a traffic light at this location. Another problem
associated with this traffic light
is the potential for traffic to queue on the 580 off ramp in the westbound
direction from the traffic
stopped at the light.
. In addition to sight distance problems, the vertical curve of the roadway is
also a dangerous problem.
. Dangerous conditions exist on East Sir Francis Drake Blvd. where the road
merges from two lanes
down to one in each direction. The road should be widened to two lanes each
direction. There should
be a carpool lane each direction on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard if it is widened
to four lanes.
. To minimize traffic impacts on Main Street, the East Gate should be
closed to through traffic and
Main Street should be turned into a cul-de-sac. Only bicyclists and pedestrians
should have through
. Use cul-de-sacs to minimize traffic through the village.
. Access to and from San Quentin should only occur through the West Gate
. Streets should be narrow with traffic calming features.
. The city of San Rafael is responsible for clearing the at-grade rail
crossings that it paved over on
Anderson Drive.
. Rail is capital intensive and expensive, with
high maintenance costs. Also, it is inflexible and cannot
easily be changed to accommodate changes in commute patterns.
. Rail should not be extended to San Quentin.
. The County should consider a magnetic levitation rail system for San Quentin.
. Connecting rail to the to the Larkspur Landing ferry terminal is a more
practical option and should be
a higher priority than connecting it to a new ferry terminal at San Quentin.
. Development for San Quentin should include a shuttle train or trolley that
links San Quentin to
Larkspur Landing and other destinations in Corte Madera and Larkspur. Another
trolley should loop
between San Rafael and San Quentin.
. Repairs and improvements to Highway 101 should include room for rail at the
101/580 transitions.
. Consider developing a monorail line from downtown San Rafael to San Quentin.
. Extend Amtrak or BART to San Quentin.
. Consider using steam trains instead of diesel engines, which are noisy and
Bay Trail
. The Bay Trail should be expanded to travel along the shoreline and link
to the existing paths near the
ferry terminal and along San Pablo Bay in East San Rafael.
Multi Modal
. San Francisco already has more Suburban Transit
Boardings than any other US City. The city cannot accommodate additional
rail-boat commuters from Sonoma (or Marin).
. The site has a potential to be a multi-modal destination, which
should include a ferry terminal and a
link to the SMART rail line.
. It would be interesting to review current census data of other multi modal
sites, such as Disney
Celebration, to confirm if the residents living in those areas use public
transit more or less.
. The proposed SMART commuter line to San Rafael should be extended to Point San
Quentin, and
even link up to BART in the East Bay via the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.
. Many agreed that the site should become a multi-modal transportation hub, with
enhanced bicycle
and pedestrian access. The buses should use alternative fuels, and all types of
transportation options should be considered.
. The site should be a multi-modal transportation hub surrounded with
residential and commercial
development to support it.
. If the site becomes a transportation hub, the hub should operate twenty-four
hours a day.
. The site should include a central structure for parking that the ferry, train,
and buses feed into.
. It does not appear to be feasible to develop a transit hub on the site due to
the high capital
investment and other costs. Jobs are no longer concentrated in San Francisco -
they are now spread
out all over the Bay Area, and the north bay is becoming more urbanized.
Smart Growth
. The site is a regional resource and, therefore, should include input
from regional agencies such as
the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area
. From a local and regional standpoint, the site is suitable for both jobs and
housing. In addition, it is
centrally located and easy to get to and from, which fits well with the smart
growth concept.
. The ferry terminal and rail connections should serve the amount of development
of housing and
mixed uses at the site.
. The ferry terminal should remain at its existing location because of
easy access to Highway 101, and
because of the potential for increased traffic along Sir Francis Drake
. There should be a ferry terminal located at Black Point in Novato to reduce
traffic congestion in
southern Marin.
. Bus service should be increased from
Richmond and BART because affordable housing already exists
. Public transportation needs to be convenient, safe,
inexpensive, and user friendly.
. Increase taxes to promote and support public transportation.
. Connect the bike path from the west side of Highway 101 to the proposed
transit hub at San
. Provide safe and secure bike lockers, as well as a lounge for bikers.
. Develop a "bike station" concept similar to what is done in Palo
. All streets should be designed to accommodate Class I or II bike paths or
Parking and Access
. Parking and access to the bay for windsurfing should be preserved
because San Quentin is one of the
premier windsurfing areas in the country. Public access should be provided along
the shoreline on the
San Quentin property where currently access is blocked.
. Facilities for parking, unloading, rigging, and launching for windsurfers
needs to be provided, as well
as shower facilities.
. Transportation options for families visiting the prison need to be improved.
. Parking and shuttle service should be provided for people who travel to San
Quentin for the death
penalty vigils.
. On-site parking should be limited to encourage people to use alternative means
of transportation.
Development would be designed in such a way so that alternative transportation
modes would be
more efficient and easier to use than the automobile.
. Public access to Point San Quentin generally needs to be improved.
. Access to the ferry should only be provided to those who use public
transportation or other
alternative transportation modes.
. If there is a parking structure on the site, it should be built underground
and incorporate landscaping
into the design to shield it.
. Provide a location for a heliport and a helipad.
Community Design
To discuss design options for the community.
What places come to mind when you visualize the San Quentin of the future?
How should a community be designed to enhance our quality of life?
Building Techniques
. Make all new development conform to Green building guidelines.
. Consider creating an environmentally sensitive design.
. The buildings should include mixed-uses and a variety of densities
. The mix of uses should include: academic residences, community
library, transit, affordable housing,
and live/work community.
. Build a small-scale community because it fits in with Marin.
. Keep all the historic buildings.
Historic Preservation
. Preserve important historic features and integrate them wisely with the
new development.
. Integrate historic restoration and preservation into the future use.
Keep or Remove the Prison
. Keep the prison.
. Keep San Quentin until the death penalty is abolished (2).
. Keep the prison but move death row.
. Remove the prison altogether (2).
. Move the prison to a remote location instead of this urban
. Scale down the prison, make it a transitional community for inmates and
integrate it with new
. Make it into an academic facility like a College of Marin or
museum (2).
. The site should be used as a University campus.
. The site needs a library.
. Include a marine center for studies of the ocean and bay.
. The site should include a wildlife center similar to the Terwilliger model.
. Access to water for recreation and water sports should be allowed.
. The site should include an athletic arena.
. A park should be provided for residents.
. An amphitheater should be provided at the site.
. Leave San Quentin in the Bay Area for services.
. Provide a community center for-academic, cultural and recreational services.
. Provide a Frank Gehry "like" designed Performing Arts Center at the
. Use Historic buildings as a museum and cultural center
Services (health care, child care)
. Provide a trauma center with a heliport.
. A community health clinic should be available.
. A childcare for the employees should be provided.
. Create a non-profit campus for multiple agencies and education.
. Create diverse housing types.
. Provide dense affordable housing with shared open space.
. Create a high-rise, high-density residential area.
. Prisons should not be on prime real estate, but should provide adequate
. Provide affordable housing with diverse range of housing;
. Multi-generational housing for a diverse population should be provided.
. Balance of market rate housing for adequate tax base.
Natural Systems
. Retain the natural bay edge (2).
. It is very important to integrate natural elements with developed
. Reuse the site as a natural habitat area for wildlife and Community Park.
Pedestrian Oriented
. Make it a walk able community.
. Design the buildings as mixed-use transit to create a pedestrian oriented
. Design Main Street as a pedestrian promenade
. Design the site to be an auto-free community with plenty of pedestrian
and bicycle access.
. Create open space with bicycle paths.
. Bicycle trails should continue onto the bridge.
. Promote multi-modal transit.
. Make the site into a transportation center with helicopter access.
. This site should include countywide transit, regional transit, and reduced
parking ratios.
. Use Historic buildings as transportation hub, museum and cultural center
Ferry/Bay Access
. Provide ferry access to and from the site.
. The site should include bay access for non-motorized water sports.
. Leave the ferry terminal in Larkspur.
. Provide a small boat launch.
. Use the old Ferry Terminal as Marina.
. Do not create additional traffic on Sir Frances Drake Blvd. or Main
Street in San Quentin Village.
. Make a rail access from San Rafael to Larkspur to San Quentin and back
. Maintain the vistas across the bay and views to the site while driving
west across the Richmond
. Preserve views to the bay
Culture, Recreation, and Social Resources
To discuss the programs in current use by the prison in which the community is
involved as a major
participant and/or derives benefits from them.
What social, cultural, or recreational opportunities should be included in the
San Quentin of the future?
How do we ensure that socially and culturally supportive programs are retained?
Cultural Activities/ Community Center
. Provide an outdoor/indoor plaza (i.e., band shell) to serve as
a civic gathering space, mixed use for
local films, performances, civic involvement, and a water element to drown out
traffic noise (2).
. Create a Guggenheim Museum for the West coast
. Make it into a fair site for something such as a world class Renaissance fair.
. Build a conference center with a visionary design.
. Replace the site with an open air flea market that used to be held at Marin
. Focus on waterfront and rail accessible international cultural center with
regional public transit
. This site could serve as a world-class gathering place for culture and the
arts. The county as of now
has no cultural center. Such a center should include the performing arts,
traditional museum uses
(historical and arts based) and be a large gathering place. This would be a much
better use than
housing and mixed used developments.
. Create a historical center and library for Marin with residential development.
. Tourism uses would serve many generations.
. Create a concert hall, center for fine arts, museum
. Create an art and ecology center.
. Build a multicultural museum or center reflecting and revealing the diverse
communities that live in
. Create a Spanish cultural center.
. Provide community gardens.
. Build an artist monument representing incarcerated families.
. Make the site into a creative community center.
. Install a peace pole. Create a peace park and garden.
. The little brick school could be used for a museum or a cultural center.
. Transfer College of Marin to this site. Redevelop the campus as housing
opportunity. This would
provide housing within the fabric of the community.
. Create a really good academy, university, or theatre.
. Provide a bay land conservatory and/or study center.
. Build a technical school, oceanography center, or research center similar to
the Buck center.
. Create an elementary school and language center.
. Make another Terwilliger center on site.
. We need more schools.
. Create a school and study center on site focusing on marine oceanography and
the study of the
environment similar to the Buck center.
. This should become a gathering place to teach non-violence and rehabilitation.
. Make this the first conversion of a prison into a prison-university. Allow
every inmate to get a college
degree funded by the state. This could be incorporated into a community center
with the cultural arts
. Support San Quentin as and an institution to promote non-violence. Promote,
educate about the
history of the site to study issues like rehabilitation, non-violence, and
alternatives to incarceration.
. The death chamber should become a museum illustrating state sanctioned
barbarity and teaching
humanitarian services.
. Create a nature center with on-site education.
. Create a new UC campus - UC Marin.
. Create an educational center focused on the history of prisons, why they exist
and why they should
not exist anymore.
Historical use
. Retain the historical buildings, leave historical buildings alone, and
preserve historical values.
. Keep the historical neighborhood of San Quentin village.
Public Access to Shoreline
. There should be full development of open public access to the edge of
the Bay.
. Keep some access to the shoreline for the public, but no private boat
. Provide affordable public recreation amenities along the shoreline so that all
economic levels have
. Create a park with Bay frontage, opportunities to picnic, and use existing
concrete to provide access
to the beach.
. Enhance open vistas and public access to the Bay.
. Allow public access with views, beaches, and high points.
General Recreation
. Make this space into a park (3).
. Maintain bicycle trails along the bay.
. Convert the shooting range area into a mountain bike and skateboard park for
. Provide park and lake access near the shooting range.
. Provide a large bicycle facility for rentals and storage.
. Provide fishing opportunities.
. Do not allow vehicular traffic. Leave it pedestrian and bicycle friendly.
Continue the Bay Trail.
. Create a park with mixed recreation. Limited parking but with access to rail,
ferries, buses, and bike
. Create a recreation and resource site like the Presidio. Use all development
(historical) as a
recreational opportunity.
. Create a golf course.
. It is a good recreational site. There are already various recreational options
at the prison, such as
boxing, which should be continued.
. Park drawing tourists that allow people to tour the prison but also adds other
park uses like
recreation, picnics, promenades, etc. Not suited for large-scale residential,
only limited.
. Create an eco-resort.
. Create parks without parking facilities but with easy access to rail, ferries,
buses, and bicycle paths.
. Don't allow recreational features that use pesticides and have asphalt in the
parking area.
Social Services
. Provide child care.
. Co-operative day care should be included with housing.
. Need childcare and preschool on site for workers and commuters.
. Child care should be provided on site to ease traffic in any new development
. A place to house non-profits in remodeled buildings. Conversion should require
free or low-rent for
Windsurfing/Boating Uses
. Provide access for windsurfing (3), Kayaking (2) and
small boat access.
. Make a shoreline park along the bayshore that supports water sports, and could
conceivably include a
location for water sports concession for the benefit of people who do not own
expensive equipment
but would like to enjoy water sports.
. Create a non-profit co-operative like the Cal Sailing Club in Berkeley.
. A break in the shore would provide public access for windsurfing. Also provide
restrooms and
showers for windsurfers.
. Create recreational facilities/rentals for kayaking and water sports.
. Do not allow marinas for recreational boating due to the dredging impact on
the ecology of the area.
. The site should not be predominately for recreational boating.
. Use sustainable building techniques with any new building or
. Insure that socio/cultural programs are retained by engaging and developing a
creative partnership
with non-government organization, government and private developers.
. Provide amenities for all economic levels.
. Provide a visitation center for inmates who have been relocated throughout
California so that their
families who still live in the Bay area can visit.
. Provide twenty-four hours of daily activity. Maximize use by sharing daytime
uses with shared
evening uses.
. Remove San Quentin.
. Allow transition of mixed uses.
. Exchange the quarry site with San Quentin.
. The prison represents inhumanity and it should be completely torn down. Erase
all memory of it.
. The shooting range needs to be safe and not impact the surrounding community.
. Multi-use is very important; include historic, cultural, and recreational
. The site has the potential to be a significant tourist destination, which
would enhance such uses as a
hotel, golf course, resort, and museum at the site.
Energy and Environmental Opportunities
To discuss the existing environment, the energy and resource consumption of the
prison operation, and to
identify innovative ideas for ecologically safe designs that minimizes depletion
impact. This group will also
attempt to identify opportunities for environmental restoration.
What is your vision for a sustainable San Quentin?
How should we protect and enhance the environmental quality and natural features
of the site?
Green Building and Energy Efficiency
. Structures should generate their own electricity and should be designed
to be as energy efficient as
. Use trees to shade homes to conserve energy.
. Design the site into a closed loop system. Have energy produced onsite and
food grown onsite.
. The prison should serve as a model of sustainability for the rest of the
nation to learn from with an
emphasis on solar energy and green building.
. Create a list of what environmental and energy techniques have the greatest
financial return.
. Make passive and active solar energy mandatory for all construction. Also
require all buildings to be
pre-wired for solar.
. Create a solar village (2). Also explore wind, tidal power,
fuel cells, etc. Ask PG&E to pay producers
for energy put into the grid.
. Require mandatory compliance with the states "dark sky" law.
Water Conservation
. Landscaping should be drought-tolerant by using either native or Mediterranean
. Utilize graywater for irrigation and other non-potable uses onsite
(4). Double-piping should be used
to transport recycled water irrigation and other uses.
. Water resources should be available onsite and rainwater catchments should be
developed and living
machines should be constructed to purify water.
. Any new development should not increase water use in the County. Current water
and sewer
capacity should be maintained at current or lower levels.
Mineral Resources
. Explore mineral resources and consider using in lieu of the San Rafael
rock quarry.
Recreational Access
. Do not develop a marina but maintain access for kayaking, canoeing,
small sail boating, and
swimming, and other passive recreational uses (5).
. Provide proper accessing facilities such as parking for the
. Connect pedestrian and bicycle access to the Bay Trail.
. Use of water sports should be limited to current regulations. Do not permit
motorized sports or those
in conflict with future ferry spot and existing transit water lanes.
. The beach should be a dog park.
. The site should be made into a park with activities for children and adults.
Open Space Protection and Restoration
. The open ridge areas should be open space for the public presently and in the
. Protect the existing natural open space and integrate as a web into the new
. Restore the natural habitat areas and make an entryway into Marin's open park
. The natural topography should be minimally graded.
. Provide opportunities for open space.
. Make San Quentin into a bird sanctuary.
. State and federal agencies should collaborate to incorporate the site
as a part of the Golden Gate
National Recreation Area as a historic site similar to the way the Presidio was
handled (3).
. Convert the entire property into open space and restore it (3).
. Develop a wildlife preserve and restore native vegetation and allow
for public access.
. Save the ridge areas as open space to act as a buffer to the Central
Marin Sanitation Agency on the
opposite side of the ridge (2).
. Eliminate non-native species from the site and restore with native
species in the open space areas
. Allow the expansion of wildlife, conservation efforts, and youth
. Focus on reptilian and environmental restoration.
. The carrying capacity of dogs on the beach needs to assessed and rules should
be enforced. The
beach needs to be maintained for the public (trash receptacles, restrooms etc.)
by a public agency.
Need to have a leash law.
. Submerged land along the shoreline also be protected.
. Do not fill the bay. Keep or restore the bayfront (2).
. Remove the shoreline bulkhead so that there is a more natural bay
edge and natural wetland area.
. No impairment of water quality should occur in the Bay.
. Study toxics on the site as cleanup is a huge cost issue.
Historic Resources
To introduce the public to the significant historic resources on the site,
provide information on the limited
analysis of the site, and an array of options that could occur in these
What structures at San Quentin do you see as being most important from a visual
and historical perspective?
How should these buildings be reused without detracting from their historic
More Preservation Oriented
. Maximize historic preservation (2)
. Retain and reuse the best of the historic buildings from an
architectural and reuse point of view.
. Retain very significant buildings but convert them into another use.
. Retain one cell block for a ferry/rail terminal and another in its current
form for historic purposes
. Upgrade and maintain historic structures and keep as a prison (4)
. Evaluation of which buildings to keep and how to reuse them should
consider their aesthetic value in
their historical context (2)
. The site it perfect for Wildcare, habitat education, and childrens' camps.
Save all structures
. These are good structures for multiple-use campus, non-profits (i.e.
Fort Mason). (3)
. Keep the existing environment/structures for reuse; only add infill
development as appropriate.
. Keep as many of the existing structures for reuse to support the
mixed-use community (schools,
housing, learning facilities) (2)
. Consider landmark status for significant structures.
. Essential to maintain sense of history of place with significant buildings
retained for reuse.
. Save main buildings appropriately relative to the scale (texture/interior of a
building should dictate its
. Exterior preservation of significant buildings with limited interior
. Seek to include the property as part of GGNRA and treat like the
Presidio or Alcatraz (preservation of
buildings, park, some business/commercial use). (2)
. Preserve the murals (in the dining hall) (4)
. Preserve the dungeon
. Save historic structures, but only if they have an active community reuse.
. Keep the manufacturing facilities (Prison Industry Shops) (2)
. Keep all buildings and grounds (contributing to very significant)
. Prioritize highly visible and waterfront areas for protection (2)
. Keep as a prison with historic buildings but make into a model
facility with education and recovery
. Place highest value on historical and environmental resources
. Maintain historic integrity of the entire area including the village.
. Preserve most significant historic buildings within practical
limitations. (3)
. Have at least one example of a historic building in pristine
Less Preservation Oriented
. Historic Preservation is a fairly low priority in comparison to
affordable housing.
. Higher and better use would be residential/commercial/transit hub.
. Buildings have low aesthetic value
. Keep the historical look and feel but build mostly new buildings so they can
be efficient.
. Leave only a portion of the prison - too expensive to maintain these old
. Save structures only as economically feasible.
. Don't worry too much about historical buildings. Emphasize higher density
housing and small-scale
businesses to support it.
. Preserve one good example of the cell blocks and demolish the rest.
. Preserve the artwork (murals) but demolish the buildings
Other Comments and Ideas
. Maintain historic character of San Quentin Village
. New structures should be architecturally consistent with historic buildings
that are retained.
. Keep most of the property for residential and some historic buildings for
. Reuse should focus on changing the connotation of buildings from death and
punishment to life and
fulfillment of human needs.
. Keep one fragment of the main building that is visible from the Richmond
Bridge and make it a
reflective cultural icon dedicated to issues of capital punishment.
. Create a monument to man's inhumanity at the death chamber to teach that
killing in not a solution
to killing.
. Reuse old school as a museum.
. Keep the village-like layout. (3)
. Preserve as international peace center (arts, cultural, conflict
. Big historic buildings provide a great opportunity to house the homeless.
. There is no other use that wouldn't detract from its historic value.
. Reuse the buildings for transportation.
. Reuse the buildings for educational and cultural institutions. (2)
. The site should have a museum-like feel.
. This site is a reminder of what's wrong with the system and is therefore
. Reuse should not be for profit because it would be exploitative.
. Hamilton reuse could be a model for historic preservation of the site.
. Look at the former Agnews State Hospital as a reuse example. (2)
. Adaptive reuse should acknowledge reasonable modifications to
historic structures.
. Include an interpretive center.
. Make distinction between positive vs. negative historic value.
. Keep the prison here until there is another death row in the Bay Area.
A Prison as Part of the Community
. Keep the Prison
. This is the last metropolitan prison and voices of the prison are not
represented here. 6,000 people
live there - 6,000 poor people.
. University for prisoners until educated they will always be prisoners
. Father's Program
. Anger-Management.
. Could a working prison co-exist with other uses?
. Housing would be immoral. Make this into an institute for human rights, debunk
the myth that killing
is the not the solution for killing.
. Meditation Center
. More variety of cells. Helpful to quality. If death row goes away, there will
only 3 prisons in CA.
. Big house now. Keep restore as model prison access to services/education.
. Remain in current use. Upgrade/modernize. Rail better in Larkspur (closer to
101). Housing
community inappropriate due to traffic congestion. Hubs 101/580/SFD. Can't
upgrade. Don't need
more commercial. Need affordable but costs/impact can't mitigate. Concept Ok
-reality not. Density
too high for it to pencil out.