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If the rail line were replaced by a freeway exit, we could feed the ferry
with so many more commuters.
The workshops are currently ended after the Mayor of
Larkspur suggested that we must be crazy if we think that any development
that means more than 6,000 people living in SQ will EVER get passed by the
voters Nevertheless a Plan has been prepared (pdf). |
What happened at the Jan 11th 2003 Workshop ? Suggestions made at the Jan 11th 2003 Workshop ? |
The Plan :-Two mixed use alternatives assume 2,000 or 3,500 housing units. The average density range of the 2,000 unit alternative assumes an average of 14 units per acre, where the 3,500 unit alternative is closer to 30 units per acre. Both of these alternatives would concentrate development central to the commercial areas. There would be a parking structure for the ferry with capacity upwards of 8000 cars. http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/Main/pdf/San_Q/10_9_02m.pdf
More minutes of meetings: http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/Main/comdev/advance/san_quentin/Minutes_agendas.cfm
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What WE have to look forward
to - like San Mateo providing 206 new residential units, including 31 affordable units, National Award for Smart Growth Achievement 2002 Winners - City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) Category: Policies and Regulations Redwood City Caltrain Station. http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/san_mateo.htm |
San Mateo’s
TOD Incentive Program uses transportation funds to help communities that
build more housing near rail stations. It spurs construction of needed
housing and creates environmental benefits by giving people the option
of commuting and running errands by rail.
This program directly links land use with efficient use of the existing
transportation system.
To address a housing shortfall, reduce congestion, and improve environmental quality, Under the program, a jurisdiction receives incentive funds based on the number of bedrooms in the housing units. Typically, eligible projects receive up to $2,000 per bedroom. In order to be eligible for the program, housing must be within one-third of a mile of a rail transit station, and density must be at least 40 units per acre. In the event that the program is oversubscribed, C/CAG may reduce the funding per bedroom or provide additional funding to the program. Land use agencies only get the funding once the units are built or are under construction. Funds are then used to support improvements either on- or off-site as determined by the land use agency. In addition to direct transportation improvements, some general improvements such as landscaping, lighting, sidewalks, plazas, and recreational projects are allowed. For the first cycle, October 1999 to September 2001, C/CAG programmed $2.3 million to the TOD Incentive Program to support development of 1,282 bedrooms in five projects. The second cycle, February 2002 to February 2004, has programmed over $2.9 million for 10 projects to facilitate the creation of 2,407 bedrooms. Highlights Interest from Other Jurisdictions Integration with Transportation
Planning |
The Marin County Board of Supervisors recently convened a planning committee to look at various reuse options for the San Quentin prison site . As the Marin Countywide Plan is currently being updated, this presents an ideal opportunity to look at what potential reuse could occur. This location could be a transportation hub surrounded by housing, while keeping adjacent San Quentin Village. A well-designed vision for the property can be ready for implementation. The charge of the committee is to evaluate various opportunities and constraints on the site and bring forth land use recommendations for inclusion into the Countywide Plan update process. It is envisioned that the San Quentin Reuse Planning Committee will continue to meet through the end of 2002 and present their final recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors in March, 2003. The Committee meets on a monthly basis. Meetings (see below) are open to the public and are normally held at the San Rafael Corporate Center, 750 Lindaro Street, San Rafael, in the evenings.
The State Department of General Services completed a report in 2001 which analyzed potential reuse scenarios of the San Quentin prison site in PDF and the relocation of the existing facility and programs. The three scenarios in the report are not intended to be recommended land use alternatives but rather provide data and background analysis for the site. County's San Quentin Pages: Meeting Schedule and Planned Topics |
March 13, 2002 | San Quentin Planning Process and Calendar - The State as Property Owner and Surplus Property Disposal Surrounding Land Uses |
April 10, 2002 | Natural Assets and Opportunities - Shoreline, Ridges, Access - Historic Buildings – Preservation and Reuse |
May 2, 2002 | Circulation On and Off Site – Auto, Pedestrian, Bike - Transit - Ferry, Rail, Bus |
June 12, 2002 | Housing - Commercial Mixed-Use Opportunities |
July 10, 2002 | Prison Operation and
Programs, Closure Alternatives Community Benefits Community Needs – Schools, Child Care, Public Facilities |
September 11, 2002 | Community Design Energy and Utility Infrastructure Innovative Building Practices |
October 9, 2002 | Bringing It All Together – Coalescing the Vision |
November 13, 2002 | Illustrating the Vision - Creating a Graphic Representation - Conduct Public Workshop (separate meeting |
December 11, 2002 | Review Input from Public Workshop - Prepare Draft Recommendations |
January 8, 2003 | Review Draft Recommendations and Refine |
February 12 2003 | Adopt
Final Recommendations 3. Where Do We Go From Here? 6:15 How we'll take the input from the community workshop along with Information learned from previous meetings to develop and refine recommendations. 4. Visioning Workshop Summary Report 6:20 Discussion of the report outlining Visioning Workshop themes and outcomes. 5. Options Brainstorming 7:00 Using the six subject areas from the workshop along with workshop input as a basis, identify and discuss options for potential reuse of the site. |
March 12, 2003 | Survey Outcomes
Review the outcomes from the survey to identify areas of consensus.
Discuss comments received. Refining the Recommendations Continue our discussion from last month refining the draft recommendations and graphics. Wed Mar 12 6pm SR Corp Center 750 Lindaro SR Share a Meal 6:00 Dinner is provided for members of the Planning Committee Public Comment 8:40 |