COMCAST CHAT FROM HELL ( 11 hours out of my life)
- the problem is theres a bug in the BILLING SYSTEM. It means you are
unable to offer me a plan that is NOT AUTO PAY
I don't want to AUTO PAY ( tho I was forced to AutoPay my MOBILE subscription,
-- I do not AutoPay the internet+cable). But when I ask to fix my PLAN, in
text chat, I get sent an email that takes me to an AUTO PAY webpage. On that
page there is an AUTO PAY button that is disabled. It is stuck on YES
for Auto Pay. I want to be able to set it to NO but I think its related to my
MOBILE subscription which is separate from my PLAN ( internet + cable).
When I click on NEXT I end up on my PLAN DETAILS page but it too has a setting
AUTO PAY = YES and nothing can be changed on that page.
- Yet on my 4th Chat Session that page allowed me to set AUTO PAY to OFF !
But clicking the NEXT button gave error
.""Sorry, this page isn't loading right
now." So they sent me another email that was supposed to go directly to
the APPROVAL page it failed with same error. A 3rd email also. And now
the 1st email ( to the pre-approval page) fails ALL with same error.
I was talked into getting a phone text message -- The link in that
successfully took me to a chrome browser page where I could read the APPROVAL
but it contained AUTOPAY set to yes.
- Emails from Comcast have buttons ( with a hyperlink) that does not work in
Microsoft Outlook. The
FINISH ORDER button is one. I have to
kill Outlook and receive the email in the web browser (Comcast email INBOX),
for the button's link to work and take me to the web page.
In MS Outlook
all button
links in Comcast emails fail !
..............EQUIPMENT COST WENT from $15 to $37
The OFFER that
I was supposed to APPROVE that should have been $172 ended up $193 with a $37
EQUIPMENT charge and no HBO
I've been Transferred 20 times from
- Feb 3rd --Elena -
Rohit - Alex - Mohan - Aman - Jugal - Peter -
- Feb 10th -- 2 - Nikita, WAKIL, Emily.
- FEB 22
-- 3 -- Omkar , Johnny, AMRUTHESH, Sai, Bhavesh, Jenny, Emily.
3rd --
4 --- Robin, Lily, Elijah
8th --
5 ---
Feb 3rd ===================================
Good morning, Alan.
I'm Xfinity Assistant. I can help you with things like explaining your charges
or changing your Xfinity ID and password.
To get started, here are some suggestions. For help with something else, type
what you need.
Your bill is past due. Flexible payment options can help. image
Your bill is past due. Flexible payment options can help.
Make a payment soon to avoid possible service interruptions or you can chat for
payment options.
View latest bill $411.73 image
View latest bill $411.73
Your recent statement is available
Thanks for your order! image
Thanks for your order!
It's getting ready to ship. For more details, ask Xfinity Assistant.
Upgrade Internet image
Upgrade Internet
Reliably fast speeds, even at peak times when everyone's online.
Bill Details image
Bill Details
Total balance due: $411.73
Overdue balance: $200.4
Your bill is past due. Please pay your overdue balance of $200.4 today to avoid
a service interruption.Do you want to make a payment now?
..............No, thanks
OK, let me know how else I can help. You can ask a new question or select from
one of the options below.
..............speak to a person
Okay, I'll put you in touch with an agent. What kind of issue do you need help
Got it. I'll put you in touch with a live agent now.
Connected to a live agent
Live Agent Chat started
Hi Alan, thank you for contacting Xfinity. My name is
Elena. I see you may have questions about your bill. Is that correct?
..............Hi Elena
I got an email yesterday with an added charge to my bill Why ?
Please help me with your full name so that I can pull up your account.
A s
Thank you.
Sure, let me check that for you. I will surely help you with this.
Please allow me 2-3 minutes to review the account.
..............AND I just got a text + email "Your
equipment is on its way" What equipment ?
Sure, let me check that too for you.
..............I didn't order ANYTHING
Thank you for specifying this.
As I can check that currently you are getting charge of $221 for 125+ channels
and 500 MBPS speed internet.
should be $200.40
I would like to inform you that there is a yearly hike in the prices of the
equipment charges plans, broadcast fees and regional fees.
You no need to worry I will surely help you with the better plan which will help
you in lower down your bill.
..............First address the "EQUIPMENT " charge please
As there are the charges for tv box and remote for the equipment.
I can help you with 125+ channels with 800 MBPS speed of internet in just $183.
..............the equipment that is "on its way" with a
tracking number 1Z37641X0312713194
that I never ordered
No worries!! I will surely help you in removing that too.
..............Elena: I have
successfully canceled the order for you I have found a better deal for in which
I can help you with 125+ channels with upgraded speed that is 800 MBPS in just
..............and a $4.75 LATE FEE in January ?
No worries!! as you are valuable customer I am providing you $10 credits in your
account as loyalty which will be adjusted on the next bill.
and I mostly NEVER watch sports so the increase in SPORTS FEE ( now $17.25 ) is
I would to do something in that but as these broadcast fees and regional fees
you are paying to the xfinity as these are from cable service provider.
xfinity=comcast=" cable service provider"
Cable service provider is provider to whom xfinity pays the fees for providing
the channels and cable. remove sports channels for me ? and
reduce by $17.25
anyway you were going to reduce my bill ?
I have offered you this deal I can help you with 125+ channels with upgraded
speed that is 800 MBPS in just $172.
..............ME: am I getting the same service as now
Elena: Yes,
with upgraded speed.
..............ME:HBO ? speed is 500 right
now -- how much $ for SAME speed ?
Elena: As you
are getting the promotional deal for 800 MBPS speed of internet and 5000 mbps
speed is on same price.
..............ME: ok -- to be clear
everything is same as now -- just change in price ( + speed) ? long does deal last ?
Elena: Yes, you
are absolutely correct and it is 1 year contract plan.
..............any way of increasing UPLOAD speed ?
In this you will getting the increased upload speed.
..............OK lets do deal for $172 /mth (
..............( just out of curiosity what WAS the
equipment being sent ? )
I have shard the consent on (415) ... ..... please check and approve.
can u send me webpage instead?
Please help me with preferred email id.
I have shared on a.....1.......
..............FINISH ORDER button does not work
in email
As I can check that it is not approved.
..............what ?
You need to approve all pages as I can check that it is not approved yet. No
worries! I am sharing it again.
..............I will if you send me the URL ( hyperlink ,
I would love to but as I am from billing team I am having limited access I can't
share URL over chat.
..............You can help me with another number or email
I got it via browser email
Perfect!! as I can check only ! page is left to be approved.
..............what is my average Internet usage per month
right now ?
let me check
It is 350- 400 Gb.
..............wher can I check on that usage on the
website ?
As I can check that for approval it is timed out. let me fix this for you.
..............timed out after 10 mins :(
its stuck in "This should only take a moment"
No worries!! Let me share with you again. As it says timed out.
Just checking in. Did you have any questions?
..............2nd email has same problem and this one
doesn't show in webmail page
inbox is empty
No worries!!! It's successfully done.
Here is the order id 1001811923982026.
..............will there be an order email ?
where can I see my monthly internet data usage ?
Yes, you will get the order email on registered email id.
You can see that in myaccount app.
Your welcome
I have 1 more great deal for you.
..............I dont use the phone AP
website ?
By which you can save your hundreds of dollars with xfinity mobile services ad
you can get $20 additional discount on internet every
May I know how many mobile lines currently you are using and how much you are
paying for that?
..............not asking about MOBILE
Yes, you can check from website.
By logging into your account.
..............where on the website ?
Let me check that for you.
In settings you can go the data usage.
..............I just spent 15 mins trying to find it --
--where is SETTINGS ?
As I am from billing team I am having limited access let me connect you to the
dedicated team who will help you with the same.
You are now transferred and chatting with Rohit,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Rohit. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
..............Hi Rohit where can I see my monthly internet
data usage ? on the website ( browser)
Thanks for waiting!
We have a dedicated expert team for data usage help.
I'm sharing there number with you!
..............I'd like to text chat please
Actually data usage team is not on chat currently, I'm from higher fix team if
you have any query to internet/tv service.
..............maybe your supervisor can help ?
Sure.. please let me connect you to them.
Connected to a live agent
You are now transferred and chatting with Alex,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Alex. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
..............Hi Alex where can I see my monthly internet
data usage ? on the website ( browser)
Thank you for sharing your concern with me.
Please be rest assured, I'll surely help you to get this issue resolved
Please allow me a couple of minutes to pull your account details.
Currently we are facing some technical issues so I would like to request you
don't toggle this chat page, it may leave or disconnect the chat.
u still there ?
Yes I'm here and working on your account account is kinda irrelevent -- just
answer the question ?
Yes sure
thanks for waiting
I would like to inform you that you can check your data usage Xfinity myaccount
app in data section
..............not interested in using phone
browser instead
where can I see my monthly internet data usage in browser?
the phone's tiny screen is a step backward in functionality
Yes sure
..............please dont tell me its not available on the
As I am from internet billing team so could you please navigate me what you are
seeing on your screen ?
..............u realise I already got transferred FROM
to the guy who switched me to you
I'm on logged in
I appreciate you explaining to me, I'm going to connect you with right person,
I'll let them know what you are reaching out about.
You are now transferred and chatting with Mohan, an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Mohan. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
Just a heads up, our chat might get disconnected if you minimize or click
refresh button. To avoid going through the hassle of waiting and repeating
everything to another agent, please do not close the chat window, click the Home
icon/ back/ refresh button and toggle the menu bar during this interaction. This
way I will be able to help you all throughout :) Thank you.
..............where can I see my monthly internet data
usage in browser? I'm logged in at
I'll help you with the detailed steps
You can also see your data usage from the Xfinity My Account app on your mobile
device. See Getting the My Account App to download the app.
When you open the app, tap Internet on the top left menu bar or on the Overview
You’ll see your current data usage in a box at the bottom.
Tap that box to view data that was used in previous months.
I've also share the steps on your phone and email
Email(s) and SMS text successfully sent.
..............REPEAT: "not interested in using phone
browser instead where can I see my monthly internet data usage in browser? the
phone's tiny screen is a step backward in functionality "
tell me here
thats why I'm here
Sorry for that checking other options for you
January 2023 Data Usage
Used 304Gb
Remaining :- 925 GB
..............I'm not asking u -- I want to see it in my
browser please
Currently as you are using owned Modem it is not available in the website
..............ARE YOU SERIOUS ?
Yes , let me check with you our Mobile Data team and confirm with them
You are now transferred and chatting with Aman,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Aman. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
Hi Alan.
Thank you for staying connected.
..............tell u what
Aman -- ..............let me speak to your
Supervisor please
I will surely connect you with Supervisor if you prefer. Please let me check
this also. ' are the 4th person I've spokent to
time for ur supervisor
Just to confirm , do you want to check your Cell data Internet usage, right?
Please let me check this/
..............let me speak to your supervisor
I can see your concern is related to Internet plan and bill. Is it Correct?
..............not any more all I want is "where can I see my
monthly internet data usage in browser? " ( not mobile)
Thank you for sharing this.
..............last guy said it was not availble in browser
anyway please transfer me to your SUPERVISOR
I will connect you with my Supervisor.
Please confirm, do you want to your home WIFI Internet usage in browser, right?
.............."where can I see my monthly internet data
usage in browser? " ( not mobile)
Thank you for confirming this/
I see your concern is related to Home Internet and usage on browser. We have a
dedicated team who works specifically with Internet usage matters, let me
connect you with them for assistance.
..............OMG I said your SUPERVISOR
I am from mobile team and my Supervisor do not have access for Internet service, you know WHO transferred me to you ?
The chat was transferred from Internet team,
..............u don't no the name of who transferred me ?
The last agent name was ..............Alex.
..............well what do you think of Alex now ?
my question was clear to Alex yet he xferred me to you
..............JUST to get rid of me
and now you are finding that transfer should never have been made
how does that make u feel ?
I truly regret for this and please let me connect you Internet team so they
assist you better and connect with Supervisor if you prefer.
You are now transferred and chatting with Jugal,
an Xfinity Live Agent
hello Jugal please let me speak to your supervisor
Hi, my name is Jugal. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
..............please let me speak to your supervisor ( you
are the 5th person I've spoken to )
Okay as I see that you did not ordered anything correct?
..............please let me speak to your supervisor
I can arrange a callback for you.
..............NO I want to text chat HERE with your
As I belong to the chat repair team I will transfer this chat to the No save
cancel team and they will assist you better on this.
..............NO dont
please let me speak to your supervisor
Connecting you with a live agent
Current place in Line: 1
Hi, my name is Peter. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
..............Peter are u a Supervisor ?
I am not a supervisor but please be rest assure I can also help you.
..............Peter what department are u in ?
i am from retention department, and I will do my level bet to help you.
.............."where can I see my monthly internet data
usage in browser? " ( not mobile)
Alright no problem, I can tell you that and also you can check that from Xfinity
my account app.
Please help me with your full name to verify, its a process I need to follow
please dont mind. name is not relevent to answering the
I can totally understand your point and i am agree with you, i am asking your
name just for the authentication for the account,its all in the chat above
thank you so much, please stay connected I will tell you the data usage for your
..............I know it already i want to know where it is
for the future
you can check that from Xfinity my account app.
..............Peter let me speak to your SUPERVISOR
Yes sure I respect your decision.
Please allow me a moment.
I've been Transferred from Elena - Rohit - Alex - Mohan - Aman - Jugal - Peter
in this chat ---- let me speak to your SUPERVISOR
You are now transferred and chatting with Caroline,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, I'm Caroline
available manager on the floor
How can I help you today?
..............Hello Caroline
"where can I see my monthly internet data usage in browser? " ( not mobile)
is it true that its not available ?
You can login to the wed site
With your MY account user name
To check the internet usage
..............wher is it on the website ?
I'm at
and logged in
Yes, you can go to your profile
Then data usage
where is "profile"
Manage my profile
..............where is that its not an option on that page
You can also see your data usage from the Xfinity My Account app on your mobile
device. See Getting the My Account App to download the app.
When you open the app, tap Internet on the top left menu bar or on the Overview
You’ll see your current data usage in a box at the bottom.
..............I'm not interested in a phone ap
Tap that box to view data that was used in previous months.
YOu can use these steps to check online
..............I want to see it on a big screen in my PC
Internet on the top left menu bar or on the Overview screen.
You’ll see your current data usage in a box at the bottom.
Tap that box to view data that was used in previous months.
You can check your usage by using these steps online
With your PC
..............I se VIEW USAGE
Yes click on it
..............finally THANKYOU
I had clicked on INTERNET before and it did not show this link
No worries!
..............FYI IN THIS CHAT -- I've been Transferred
from Elena - Rohit - Alex - Mohan - Aman - Jugal - Peter - Caroline
I'm happy that I would able to help you
to get to this
I'm really sorry for that
I'll surely pass this feedback to the agent.
Also, I'm adding you $20 credited as a good
will gesture.
I'm really sorry for everything
..............I was told it was NOT AVAILABLE in the
thankyou -- peace and have a great week
I'm really sorry once again
.............. The OFFER that I was supposed to
APPROVE that should have been $172 ended up $193 with a $37 EQUIPMENT charge
and no HBO so:---
Live Agent
cancel my account
Account Details image
Account Details
Your plan includes Internet and TV services.
Your account number is 8155300020012613.
I can help manage your account, but I need a little more info first. What do you
need help with?
..............speak to a person
Okay, I'll put you in touch with an agent. What kind of issue do you need help
..............cancel my account
I’m sorry, we’re experiencing longer than usual wait times. There aren’t
any chat agents available right now, but you can call 1-800-XFINITY or try
chatting again later. Here's some helpful info and common solutions for digital
..............speak to a person
OK, I can put you in touch with an agent. Please select the service you're
inquiring about below so I can get you to an agent who'll be able to better help
Xfinity Services
Thanks, before I connect you to the agent, I'll need you to confirm what you
need help with. Please choose an option below.
No problem. I'll put you in touch with a live agent now.
Connected to a live agent
Live Agent Chat started
Hi Alan, thank you for contacting Xfinity. My name is
Nikita. How may I help you today?
..............Hi I want to cancel my account
We have a dedicated team who works specifically with this matters, let me
connect you with them for assistance.
Connected to a live agent
You are now transferred and chatting with WAKIL,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is WAKIL. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
..............Hi WAKIL can I please speak to your
Alan, I completely understand however you are connected with best agent over the
chat I have full access to assist you :)
supervisor will give you same information
I will be glad to assist you toad :0
..............I think after all I've gone thru I NEED to
speak to a Supervisor please
Alan, I am checking with supervisor please stay connected :)
Alan, this is my humble request please stay connected, I am checking with my
supervisor :)
I really appreciate you patience and time with me .
Thank you for staying connected, I got approval form my supervisor He will be
assisting you ahead :)
You are now transferred and chatting with Emily,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Emily. I see you have been chatting with another team member. Let
me review that information so I can pick up right where you left off.
..............Hi Emily before I cancel I think you'd be
interested in why ?
Yes, if you can elaborate the raeson, it would be great.
..............well its all in the last TEXT CHAT where I
ended up texting with and Transferred from Elena - Rohit - Alex - Mohan - Aman -
Jugal - Peter - Caroline
heres the snippets
that chat lasted over 2 hours
I need to go through the last chats to check that.
Elena: I have
successfully canceled the order for you I have found a better deal for in
which I can help you with 125+ channels with upgraded speed that is 800 MBPS
in just $172.
ME: ..............
am I getting the same service as now ?
Elena: Yes,
with upgraded speed.
ME:HBO ? speed is 500 right now -- how much $ for
SAME speed ?
Elena: As you
are getting the promotional deal for 800 MBPS speed of internet and 5000 mbps
speed is on same price.
..............ok -- to be clear everything is same as now
-- just change in price ( + speed) ? how long does deal last ?
Elena: Yes,
you are absolutely correct and it is 1 year contract plan.
Thank you for sharing the details.
..............and now I'm being offered an increase in
EQUIPMENT COST from $15 to $37
PLease stay assured, if you want I can check the deal for you.
..............I did not need the internet speed increase
I got you on this, I will check what deal is available at same speed and lesser
Before that, may I know your complete name so that I can pull up your account?
..............A s
Thank you so much.
Alan may I know if this is the account you are chatting in about '.....a Dr,
S...ael, CA 9..3'?
Thank you for confirming.
Alan as far as I can check currently you have Popular Tv with 125 plus channels
and Superfast Interfast Internet speed with 800 mbps internet speed, correct?
And do you wish to keep same services?
Thank you.
..............but if the 500 mbps is cheaper then I want
to go back to wher I was a week a go
at 500
Let me quickly check on your account for best deals. PLease stay connected while
I check a deal with lesser speed.
Previously you had a Grandfathered package which has been removed
by Xfinity now however you can still get fast internet speed of 400 mbps.
..............whats the difference 400 - 800 ?
It's just price differenceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
..............and why am I being reduced to 400 m?
I am checking for the price with 400 mbps internet speed.
..............the price is what I'm asking
Yes, I am checking on the price. Please allow me a moment.
Thanks for waiting.
As far as I can check on the account, fast internet speed is unavailable on your
account however the price with same internet speed and same number of channels
will be around $205 after auto pay discount.
..............not interested in autopay
No problem in that case it would be around $210.
..............what happened to the $172 deal ?
As far as I have checked there is no such deal on the account.
..............why are Comcast Employees offering fictional
deals and wasting my time ?
What is going to be done about it ?
Alan there has been a miscommunication and $172 deal is not available on the
account and it seems like itwas a new customer deal at that price.
I just copied and pasted the chat of the deal offered
If you wish to go to the same deal that you had earlier I can help you with
raise a dispute for the same. NEW customer can get that deal ?
Yes you are correct. much is EQUIPMENT COST ?
It will cost you $15 the extra $3 to $18 in February is rolled
back to 15 ?
Yes it's $15 now
..............and the cost for internet is separate and
what ?
Yes the charges get pro rated if you change services in between the chat. much $ ?
It depends upon the bill charge and your billing cycle date. much will it be ?
( I dont want to got thru the same routine and find what u say is nothing like
what I end up with )
If suppose the bill $250 per month and you change your service after 15 days in
that case pro rated amount will be around $125
..............let me ask again "the cost for internet" ?
or if its included in a PACKAGE -- what is the cost of the PACKAGE ?
Let me give you a breakdown. Please allow me a moment.
..............and ADD-ONS cost
..............or put it on
which currently is that crazy $37 equipment
Your current package is Superfast internet speed with 800 mbps and Popular tv
with 125 plus channels.
The cost of the internet is $75.96, cost of Cable is $49.04, DVR service is for
$10, 3 Cable boxes of $9 each,
Broadcasting tv fee of $22.50
Regional Sports fee of $17.25 and sales tax of $2.39 and Public education and
govt fee of $1.43 Franchise fee of $8.11,
Regulatory recovery cost of $0.10 in which you are getting a total discount of
$19.71 on the bill
so your per month bill is $193.78
..............thats the CRAZY offer
its a week old
what are YOU offering ?
This is your current package that is alraedy added on the account.
The deal that I was offering is for $210 which is more than your current
If you wish to change that deal then I can raise a dispute.
500 mbps deal is unavailable since we have changed it to 400 mbps. for a starter I have only 2 cable boxes
As far as I can check there are 3 boxes.
..............Are you referring to the BOX that was sent
thru the mail that I NEVER ORDERED ?
Yes, you are right!
it's reflecting 3 boxes for $9 each
..............that Elena said " I have successfully canceled the order for you"
do you know Elena ?
I only have 2 TVs
Yes Elena is the last agent and has alraedy removed the order but it is because
your account isn't updated yet as it takes 24 to 48 hours.
..............this all happened over a week ago
I would have chatted sooner but I dreaded it SO MUCH
Let me remove the charges for you along with the box again whats my total after 2 boxes instead of 3
It will be $184.78
..............and include HBO ?
I cannot see HBO max included with the deal.
..............just look at what I had a week ago and for
Seems like changes have been updated on the account.
..............not from me
May I know if you haven't approved the changes?
..............I HAVE NOT APPROVED
In that case I am raising a dispute for the same and you will get an update
from our team. They will call you for that.
..............If need to be called -- then the technology
in this APPROVAL process is pathetic --
Comcast should SHOW that I have not approved anything especially as that page
STILL says " Please approve the following"
..............SPARE me the call
Sure arranging a callback for you.
Dispute has been raised.
..............what does that mean ?
"SPARE" means please dont
isnt this chat which clearly is from ME the customer enuf ?
I have raised a dispute for you and our team will contact you regarding the same
on your email. They will confirm if the changes were approved by you and if not
then you can deny for that so taht they can change back the same deal.
Yes, I am a Supervisor here.
..............let me speak to your manager
just do it
I can arrange a callback for you since we do not have the access to transfer the
chat. should be able to see that nothing was
approved by me
and get this fixed
Yes, I have alraedy checked on the account and taht is the raeson dispute has
been raised from my end.
..............what reason ?
The order number '1001811923982026', shows taht the order aws accepted from your
end but since you have informed taht it wasn't done from your end so dispute for
the same has been raised. you are telling me that you cannot offer
me HBO because .. .why ?
HBO max can be offered however you would be charged additionally for $14.99.
..............right so
do it
..............and the total NOW is ?
I am adding it on your account. PLease allow me a moment.
It will be around $199.78 lets do it
Sure, I am working on your account to add it right away.
Please stay connected.
..............and fix "Review My Order" page
Sure auto payements no 1 year contract
is there a discount for 1 year contract ?
Everything will remain it it is now only HBO max will be added.
..............right now its a 1 year contract ?
Yes your deal is alraedy discounted.
As I can check you are under contarct for 12 months and your contract end date
is 1st of February, 2024.
Please be here with me sending you a consent form shortly.
..............can u put all this on a "Review My Order"
page right now ?
or email I suppose will work
all the details
Sending you an email for this order.
You can review and approve.
..............not arrived yet
Please check if you received the email., sent on this email address. it but button in email links to a URL so
huge it doesn't work
Let me resend on your number.
Hope you received the text as well.
..............I dont use the phone other than to make
calls or forced to text
Ok if you want I can share the email again on another email address.
Please share the alternate email address.
..............why dont u email me the same short url ?
We do not have the direct access to the URL since these are system generated
..............the button is huge tracking url
Please click on the url if it loads the consent page.
..............i wil type it into my pc browser :(
That would be appreciated.
Still let me try sending it again, if that works.
..............IT TAKES ME TO A PAGE "Your link has
Please check if you received it again.
You need to click o the 2nd link that I have shared now.
..............are u there ?
internet just stopped
looks like I got the same email twice
And no new APPROVE OFFER Page has been created -- do
I need to got thru all this AGAIN ?
Microsoft Outlook will not let me go to a webpage
from the "FINISH ORDER" email button that Comcast is sending me.
Here it is:
Proceed to
review and approve your order.

linking to
<a href="
style="border-radius:10px;display:inline-block;max-width: 195px;-webkit-text-size-adjust:none">
no bloody wonder it goes nowhere !
Why cant they give me a URL in chat?
Explore now
FEB 22 -- 12
days later ===========
So I killed Microsoft Outlook so all my emails
stayed on the inbox in Comcast in the browser. That way I could click on
"FINISH ORDER" button and probably it will got to the webpage (where
Outlook failed)
Live Agent Chat started
Hi Alan, thank you for contacting Xfinity. My name is Omkar. I see you may have
questions about your bill. Is that correct?
hello Omkar
Hello. Nice to meet you.
..............I was chatting to a Supervisor and had
agreed to my PLAN when we got disconnected - -can u see my would-be plan ?
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Let me take a look into the account
for me to provide you with an appropriate solution.
Just to confirm, could you please help me with the plan which was offered to
..............I was hoping u could see it
Actually I can just see that the new plan was offered to you but can't see the
Was it in regards to your internet and TV services?
..............the "current" plan was wrong and never
agreed to
do you think your Supervisor could see the "new" plan ?
Actually the supervisor you were talking to was from the retentions department.
..............right maybe transfer me to Retentions then ?
Let me get you connected to the right team.
Please stay connected.
Connected to a live agent
Now chatting with Johnny
You are now transferred and chatting with Johnny, an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Johnny. I see you have been chatting with another team member.
Let me review that information so I can pick up right where you left off.
..............Hi Johnny I was chatting to a Supervisor and
had agreed to my PLAN when we got disconnected - -can u see my would-be plan ?
Thank you for letting me know this.
i..............t was Emily
Could you you please help me with the plan that you wanted to have ?
..............I was hoping it was still there to be seen ?
Please let me know some details of the plan so that I can get same deal for you
..............the "current" plan is wrong and was never
it thinks I have 3 boxes when I only have 2
Okay dropped HBO
I just wanted to let you know that in your current plan.
you are getting 800mbps internet speed with your owned modem and TV service with
125+ channels 3 TV boxes DVR service In just $193/month.
..............right -- but wrong
Please let me know the changes in this plan.
..............2 boxes + hbo
Thank you for letting me know this.
Be rest assured, I will get this done for you ..
Also as you are our valuable customer, you are eligible for Xfinity mobile
services . May I know, how much you are paying for your mobile services ? as
Xfinity is giving two mobile service with unlimited plan in just $60/month and
also Free phone on switching with Xfinity mbile services .
..............I'm already on Xfinity Mobile
Thank you for confirming.
You are adding the following equipment and services: HBO Max for $14.99 per
You are removing the following service: Service with TV Box;
Your estimated recurring monthly bill will be $199.43, including $11.69 of
estimated monthly taxes, and government and other fees.
Lastly, I'll run through some important details about your order.
I understand and agree that my Xfinity services, regular rates, equipment
charges, taxes, fees, and other charges are subject to change at any time, with
or without notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
Would you like to receive the consent link on the email address or on the phone
number via text message.
I just shared you the consent link please check and confirm the same .
..............emailed ?
I..............'m looking at my inbox on the browser
..............its not appearing
Shall I share the consent via text ? lets get email to work
Let me know once you get the email.
..............what do you think is wrong ( I disable my MS
Outlook client so I could specifically get the email on the browser ?
Cos:--- Microsoft Outlook will not let me go to a webpage from the "FINISH
ORDER" email button that Comcast is sending me.
Okay the email should appear in!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=default0/INBOX
right ?
I think consent via text would be best for now .
..............I hate using the phone for this stuff but
lets try it then
( and I'm upset that email is not showing up)
I can completely understand .
However you can provide me any other email to share the consent .
..............You are the 10th person I've texted with
over 3 week and 3 chats -- on this alone
Elena - Rohit - Alex - Mohan - Aman - Jugal - Peter - Caroline - Elena - Johnny
And I am sorry as I am from loyalty team we have limited information in
technical things for this we have our specialized technical team and for that I
need to transfer this chat to them.
Or you can approve the same order via text . the text then
Just a moment please .
I have shared you the consent via text.
Please check and confirm the same . has expired
I have just prepared this link .
Let me get another link for you .
..............cant u jus enter link here ?
I wish I could .
As much as I'd love to help, your request is beyond what we're able to do for
I just shared you the another consent link please check and confirm the same .
..............that link takes me to AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS
..............I'm not interested in AUTOMATIC PAYMENT
Please skip the auto pay then.
..............thers only a NEXT button
Please press the next button . it appears if i do its going set AUTO
..............there is a toggle button to set AUTO PAY to
You are now transferred and chatting with AMRUTHESH,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is AMRUTHESH. Thank you for contacting Xfinity. How may I help you
..............WHY WAS I TRANSFERRED TO U ?
what dept are u in ?
Let me check on your concern and do the best for you.
Please elaborate the exact concern you have with us,
..............what dept are u in ?
I'm from the Xfinity internet support.
..............why am I not getting emails in the browser!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=default0/INBOX
sent to inbox from Retention
but not showing up in inbox
Let me quickly check this and help you with it.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
Please confirm if you are using Xfinity email or any other one. was sent to a........1
Thank you for the details.
Let me go ahead and run the online test to fix this.
..............I just sent test eamil from yahoo and it
showed up in inbox
why cant RETENTION support email arrive ?
I understand that you are not receiving email, right?
..............REPEAT: "I just sent test eamil from yahoo
and it showed up in inbox"
Okay got it!
Let me go ahead and run the online test for this.
I would also suggest you to check on the spam mail.
Also clear cookies and check on it.
..............did alrteady
Thank you.
Please confirm if you are checking on your desktop or mobile. browser on my windows laptop
Please access XFINITY Email using now
Please click on “Sign In” and enter their username and password.
I..............'m on!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=default0/INBOX
Please close logout and close the tab and relaunch it and login.
..............but I successfuly recieved that text email
I understand that. As I'm running the online test, it suggest me to follow these
Please logout, close the tab and relaunch again and login.
..............but it is not a logical solution in this
let me speak to your supervisor please
Let me explain you.
..............just let me speak to your supervisor
Sure, please allow me a moment while I transfer this chat.
You are now transferred and chatting with Sai,
an Xfinity Live Agent
hello Sai
Hi Alan, how are you doing today
..............why am I not getting emails in the browser!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=default0/INBOX
..............sent to
inbox from Retention but not showing up in inbox
was sent to
.............. I sent
a test email from yahoo and it showed up in inbox
I am Sai, and I am the Supervisor
Thank you for bringing this to my notice,
Could you kindly login to your email and go to settings
..............ok im there
Please see if there is any block or restriction added
..............under "Security" ?
That's right Alan
..............can u send me an email please
As I am from chat team, I have limited access to send an email from my ID
there is no option under "security" to block
Thank you for the information. Please allow me couple of minutes to check.
Thank you for being online. Let us check if there is any filters added to the
emails. I will be sharing few steps. Please follow the steps and check.
1.Go to Advanced Settings > Spam Filtering/Email Safe List.
2.Walk the customer through temporarily disabling these settings.
3.Send a test email to the affected address.
4.If your using safe list, verify that the sender's email address is listed.
Otherwise, this feature should be disabled.
Note: Emails identified as Spam will be placed in the Spam Folder, and be
deleted automatically after seven days.
..............Safe List. is not used
Thank you for the confirmation.
..............SET "Override Security Filters - Allow spam
and potentially harmful messages in your Inbox."
was set
In order to check few more settings on your account. I would need to re verify
your account. Can I send a code to the number ending with 0707
..............No FILTER RULES
Thank you for the information.
..............when a test email arrives in inbox - a lot
of this is irrelevent
please send me an email
( make sure Retention did not mess up )
Alan, I will be sharing an article to check if your able to receive the email.
..............just send email
Yes, that will be through email.
I have sent. arrived !!
Amazing! why cant RETENTION send email to me ?
this was the chat """ I just shared you the consent link please check and
confirm the same . emailed ? Yes """"
There would be an issue with the retention teams email. I can transfer you to
them so you can check if your able to receive the email from them now.
You are now transferred and chatting with Bhavesh,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hello, thank you for contacting Xfinity Support. My name is Bhavesh. Who do I
have the pleasure of assisting today?
Today is the best day for optimism and hope!! How can I make your day awesome!!!
..............Helo Bhavesh. please let me speak to your
I was transferred out of RETENTION and back already
lease be rest assured I am here to assist you please allow me 2-3 minutes to
read the above onversation
l..............ets just cut to TRANSFER TO YOU SUPERVISOR
Ok let me check what best I can do for you
..............TRANSFER TO YOU SUPERVISOR please
Ok let me connect you to the dedicated team which will assist you to solve your
Connecting you with a live agent
Current place in Line: 3
Connected to a live agent
Now chatting with Jenny
You are now transferred and chatting with Jenny, an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Jenny. I see you have been chatting with another team member. Let
me review that information so I can pick up right where you left off.
..............Hello Jenny are u a supervisor ?
Email with the consent link sent to did not show up in
my inbox!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=default0/INBOX
Yet Support just successfully sent me an email ( then transferred me BACK to
I would like to inform you that I am from loyalty west department if you want I
can connect you with the supervisor
if u cant send me an email then please transfer me to a Supervisor as I had
Sure let me quickly connect you with the supervisor please stay connected.
Yes please stay connected .
I am connecting you with the supervisor please stay connected.
You are now transferred and chatting with Emily, an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Emily. I see you have been
chatting with another team member. Let me review that information so I can pick
up right where you left off.
..............'Hello AGAIN Emily
Hey! Hope you are doing good.
..............Email with the consent link sent to did not show up in my inbox!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=default0/INBOX
Yet Support just successfully sent me an eamil ( then transferred me BACK to
May I know if you were making any changes?
..............You are adding the following service: HBO
Max for $14.99 per month; You are removing the following service: Service with
TV Box; Your estimated recurring monthly bill will be $199.43,
PLease allow em a moment I'll help you in removing the HBO max for you.
..............the "current" plan is wrong and was never
approved it thinks I have 3 boxes when I only have 2
I'll check on this for you.
..............and it it dropped HBO
Please help me with your full name.
I'll check that for you.
Thank you!
Please stay connected I am checking on your account.
..............BUT FIRST --- its a WASTE OF TIME if you
cant send me an email to!!&app=io.ox/mail&folder=default0/INBOX
I'll check on your account and will helpyou.
..............maybe send me a test email ?
May I know the email address?
Thank you
Let me send one email
PLease check if you got the email. it arrived
..............lets see if we can finally do this
May I know if you want to remove HBO max?
Thank you for confirming.
Adding it for you. PLease stay here with me.
..............Please dont setup AUTOMATIC PAYMENT
Sure! I'll share the consent form you will approve it from your end and skip the
auto pay option.
Thanks for waiting.
Your HBO max has been added on the account and this is the order number for
reference '1001818585202023', your auto is alraedy off and won't activate until
you make it from your end.
..............and 2 boxes not 3
Yes I have removed that extra box from the account.
The charge for that box is also reversed.
You might have got a consent on that email.
Please approve so I can proceed.
..............what is $ total ?
It's $199.43 auto payment ?
Yes without auto pay.
You might have got the link for the same.
Please check and approve.
..............but the page u sent me too has Auto Pay set
You just need to skpi the auto pay page and proceed to the next page.
You do not need to enter any detail on that.
..............its not a good page to be clicking NEXT on
its like I just approved auto pay when I DIDNT
I'll remove your auto pay from herin case it gets activated. address is old and wrong here
You can proceed to the second page or let me take a manual approval without auto
You will receive the following monthly discounts:
Discount of $25.00 per month including 2 Product Discount $20.00 Autopay and
Paperless Discount $5.00.
You are adding the following equipment and services: HBO Max for $14.99 per
Regular rates after promotional period are subject to change.
You are removing the following service: Service with TV Box;
Your estimated recurring monthly bill will be $194.22, including $11.48 of
estimated monthly taxes, and government and other fees.
Lastly, I'll run through some important details about your order.
Your pricing includes a $5 monthly discount for enrolling in Paperless Billing
and Automatic Payments with your credit or debit card. If you cease to be
enrolled in both Paperless Billing and Automatic Payments with your credit or
debit card, you will no longer receive this discount. If you enroll in automatic
payments using your bank account, your monthly discount will increase to $10.
I understand and agree that my Xfinity services, regular rates, equipment
charges, taxes, fees, and other charges are subject to change at any time, with
or without notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
Do you agree with the changes without auto pay?
..............and it says I'm enrolled in AUTO PAY
the only Auto Pay I have is MOBILE
I will remove the auto pay from here since I have the access for that.
..............then send me another email
Sure! Sending you now.
..............or link to page with NO AUTO PAY
and/or page where BUTTON I can UNCHECK AUTO PAY
I have shared another consent form.
Please check. email clicked FINISH ORDER and now its
thinking on
it asked for REFRESH and got "This site can’t be reached"
now "No internet"
chat with Emily AGAIN
CONSENT EMAIL takes me to a page where AUTO PAY
is set and the button to disable it does not work !!!
Nevertheless I DID click the NEXT button and it took me to
an ORDER page that had AUTOPAY enabled
So I was not going to
believe any customer support person to FIX it AFTER I'd approved it. ! (
not with this history)
Mobile -- I think Comcast is confused and thinks it needs to precede
And that page is broken
anyway cos there's a button to disable AUTO PAY that does not work .
-- 9 days later ===========
Now chatting with
Live Agent Chat started
Hi Alan, thank you for contacting Xfinity. My name is Robin. I see you may have
questions about your bill. Is that correct?
How may I help you today?
..............Hi Robin I was chatting with RETENTION and
got disconnectd -- could you transfer me please ?
Yes absolutely, may I know what your query was?
..............plan fix
what plans were you exploring?
..............internet and cable
Thanks for specifying.
May I know what were the plan names?'
..............dont know
Currently you have 800 mbps and 125 channels and 2 lines
..............transfer me please
One moment while I transfer you to the appropriate team. to RETENTION please
Can I send you to relax team>
..............No please to RETENTION wher I was
Yes I am connecting you to retention
But it will be a different agent.
Welcome, are you friends with Cheap flights?
..............are you doing it ?
Just a moment
Connected to a live agent
Now chatting with Lily
You are now transferred and chatting with Lily, an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Lily. I see you have been chatting with another team member. Let
me review that information so I can pick up right where you left off.
..............Hi lily what department are you in ?
hello Alan , I am from the loyalty
department that the same as retention ?
Yes you are correct
..............I was disconnected when chatting to a
supervisor -- I probably should talk to a supervisor
Thanks for letting me know.
May I know the reason for the supervisor chat to help you in a better way
..............can u see the AGREED PLAN that did not get
completed ? current plan was changed ERRONEOUSLY and
needs fixing
I am terrible sorry for the experiences however i will fix this for you
..............the problem is theres a bug in the BILLING
I can completely understand, were you have come from I would most probably feel
the same, if i were on your situation . means you are unable to offer me a plan
that is NOT AUTO PAY
hence its probably best for a Supervisor
I really apologize for this however I will do my best to help you
..............based on what I just said it best if you
transfer me to a Supervisor please
I assume you cannot see the agreed plan fix ?
the plan which you are mentioning is given by the other agent and I am not sure
about the plan are i cannot read the previous conversation and currently I can
see that you have cable and internet services ye lets do the transfer
Alright , let me arrange that for you
Plaese allow me a moment
you're welcome..............
it was Emily
Alan , as i can see that the supervisor is
not available however let me connect you with the other department so that they
can check the supervisor for you wait a minute
..............what other department ?
I will transfer to the other department so that they will connect you with a
what other department ?
Technical department however rest assure they will surely connect you with the
supervisor and solve your concern
..............Its not a terchnical issue
for the purposes of getting my plan fixed NOW
Yes however there is no supervisor available which is the only resaon i have to
do that
..............they cant create a billing plan now can they
they will help you with all the necessities as you are looking for aa supervisor
to solve your concern
dont do it
Okay than , plaese allow me to check and solve your concern ? involves you promising me to set my PLAN
back to NO AUTO PAY after I approve of it AS auto pay
can you do that ?
cos of the bug
Thank you for informing
..............I don't want to AUTO PAY ( tho I was forced
to AutoPay my MOBILE subscription, -- I do not AutoPay the internet+cable). But
when I ask to fix my PLAN, in text chat, I get sent an email that takes me to an
AUTO PAY webpage. On that page there is an AUTO PAY button that is disabled. It
is stuck on YES for Auto Pay. I want to be able to set it to NO but I think its
related to my MOBILE subscription which is separate from my PLAN ( internet +
cable). When I click on NEXT I end up on my PLAN DETAILS page but it too has a
setting AUTO PAY = YES and nothing can be changed on that page.
Thank you so much for sharing your concern I will do my best with all my
abilities to help you sort with your concern before the chat ends.
Plaese allow me to check the details on your account to help you
..............I am being chare for 3 devices when I only
have 2 ( I only have 2 TVs)
and I no longer have HBO when I should
I will help you in this
as i can see that you have 3 cable box i will add only two boxes for you and for
the Hbo it will cost you $14.99
..............whats the total ?
I'm checking the details for you
Thanks for waiting .I appreciate
your patience
the plan is that you will get 800mbps speed internet , 125+ channels including
HBO in $189/monthly.
Your monthly discount will be $10 if you enroll in Paperless Billing and
Automatic Payments using your bank account
or $5 if you enroll with your credit or debit card.
..............and without Auto Pay ?
Yes without auto pay it is $189
..............ok lets do it BUT "" it involves you
promising me to set my PLAN back to NO AUTO PAY after I approve of it AS auto
pay can you do that ? ""
Alan , i will shre you the consent approval
as on this you can skip the auto pay and as i can see that you are only enrolled
in eco bill without auto payment will be unable to setup the plans as NO
AutoPay I guarantee you
but lets see
send me the email
Alan , to check for the non auto
pay you can also do that from my Xfinity app
Sure plaese give me a minute to share the consent
..............I dont use the phone ap
send email please
Sure I will
I have shred the consent plaese check
..............OMG I CAN
NOW set AutoPAy to OFF in the page u sent me
Yes correct
..............twice before the button was stuck at on !!!
as on your account you have only eco bill active
..............but when I click on the NEXT button I get "
Sorry, this page isn't loading right now. Click below to refresh or try back
later. "" :(
thank you for informing
I went back and tried it again -- SAME ERROR
let me check that for you
..............Evan after leaving the AUTO PAY button at ON
I get same error
Plaese recheck the consent which i have shred u mean the 2nd email ?
Yes i have shred the consent again
..............That email button goes to page error
before I successfully got to the AUtoPay page
Thank you for informing
Would you mind if i share the consent on your mobile number ?
..............I dont use the phone other than for calls
I want to see things on big screen on my PC
Alright than
plaese refresh your Pc and retry on the consent which i have just shared is the URL that fails
in 2nd email and in
Okay the 1st email first page is error
I have shred again , plaese check
..............can u at least LEAVE that OFFER page up
so I dont have to go thru more hell ?
You need to check on the new link which i have shred as the other wont work
I really apologize for this however to get the plan you need to approve the
consent so that the plan will be added with your consent approval
..............3rd email same error on first link
notice both links same
no shredding
Yes the link is same however i have refresh it and shred the same consent for
the same plan
..............""Sorry, this page isn't loading right
now." says pretty much nothing
with regard to the cause
may i know if there is an other email /phone number were I can share the consent
..............changing the email address will achieve
nothing -- so very much against my wishes send me a text with link
Alright plaese help me with the preferences number to shre nbr on file
I have shred plaese check
..............well the link from text works -- please file
bug report
is this a contract ?
Great , plaese approve the consent so that i can confirm you with the order id
yes the plan is in contract for 12months it includes AUTO PAY
how do we remove that ?
You can skip the auto pay from the consent which i have shred
..............its in the APPROVAL page
..............please remove it
Alan you need to remove the auto pay from your end from my
xfinity account app me be CLEAR
the phone text link takes me STARIGHT to the APPROVAL
I get no pre-page to approve AUTOPAY
and let me remind u of the BUG
because I DO autopay MOBILE
Comcast screws up
cannot separate the 2 plans in its head
I really apologize for that however for the auto pay i would request you to turn
off from my account app as on your account the auto pay is not active only eco
bill is active
As the mobile and internet you will have different account
..............right so what are u saying ?
I am saying that the automatic payment is not active on your internet account
only eco bill is active
..............right but Comcast is confused regardless
it appears
OR YOU create an APPROVAL page with AutoPay OFF
OR send me to that pre-page to turn OFF AutoPAY
Alan its your preferences to add /skip auto pay as this is your account as i
dont have access to turn off. Would kindly request you can do that from my
account app
..............I dont use the AP
I would request you to install the app
Are you seriously telling me that the only way to do all this is NOT on my PC
browser OR PHONE browser ?
Alan to off the auto pay you need to do that from my account app
..............thats why I need a supervisor
can u get the SUPERVISER now please
Alright , let me arrange for you
It will take some time , plaese stay connected
..............pleas expedite -- this is my 4th CHAT
I really apologize for this however i am trying my best to connect you
Thanks for waiting .I appreciate your patience
..............WHILE WE ARE WAITING ---why did the 1st
email succeed in taking me to the SET AUTO PAY page and subsequent times both in
the other 2 eamils and agian in the 1st email it failed ?
I am transferring the chat with the supervisor
You are now transferred and chatting with Elijah,
an Xfinity Live Agent
Hi, my name is Elijah. I see you have been chatting with another team member.
Let me review that information so I can pick up right where you left off.
..............Hello Elijah
Please let me go through your previous chat
..............good luck
Thank you
As I have checked you want a plan without auto pay
There is no plan with out auto pay option but you can disable the auto pay as
well ?
You can do it on my account app
..............REALLY ?
Let me share the steps
..............thats the only way I can get this plane
setup ?
..............I dont use the AP
As I have checked the auto pay is disable on your account
..............except for my MOBILE acct
Yes, Corretct
..............It cannot be done in the browser ? you have
You can do it from as well
..............apparently not till after I APPRVE it as
AUTO PAY first ?
You can skip the autopay part as well
..............that page allowed me to set AUTO PAY to OFF
! But clicking the NEXT button gave error .""Sorry, this page isn't loading
right now." So they sent me another email that was supposed to go directly to
the APPROVAL page it failed with same error. A 3rd email also. And now the 1st
email ( to the pre-approval page) fails ALL with same error. I was talked into
getting a phone text message -- The link in that successfully took me to a
chrome browser page where I could read the APPROVAL but it contained AUTOPAY set
to yes.
We have a billing team as well who can disable your auto pay
Shall I connect you to them ?
.......lets fix this now is it true ?
.......I have to APPROVE it as AUTO PAY first and then ask for it to be fixed
after ?
.......are you there ?
.......please respond
.......please dont disconnect
.......its been a hour now --- please dont ignore me
Live Agent Chat ended
disconnect of internet this time)
-- 5 days later ===========
Live Agent Chat started
Hi Alan, thank you for contacting Xfinity. My name is
Manav. I see you may have questions about your bill. Is that correct?
.......Hello Manev
Hello Alan.
.......My current plan is wrong and needs fixing please
Could you please elaborate me your concern about the plan ?
.......I am being charged for 3 devices when I only have 2
.......and HBO is missing
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Let me take a look into the account
for me to provide you with an appropriate resolution.
Please allow me 2-3 minutes to review the account.
Thank you.
.......( I chatted to another customer service person
about this already and it was setup -- but failed )
Alan as I checked with the plan you are charged for 3 Mtv box.
.......should be 2
Thanks for specifying. I will remove it.
Alan you would also like to add the Hbo for $14.99
Please provide me your email to share the approval for the order.
Please provide me you mobile number.
As you are on Laptop.
.......What is my monthly total ?
Your estimated recurring monthly bill will be $188.00,
.......and if I do autopay ?
Just to confirm with card or checking bank account ?
.......I believe AUTOPAY with bank account is $10 off but
with debit card only $5
Yes absolutly correct Alan, good to know you have all our details !
.......I could find no option on the webpag to change Auto
Pay method to BANK ACCOUNT
You can do it later on My account app.
.......are you sure ?
Yes I will share you the steps. with autopay bank account its $178 ?
Yes absolutely correct. You will get the $10 discount and the bill will be $178. text the link to me ( the web system is broken)
.......I'll do it on the phone
Sure, please provide me the phone number.
.......4v vvv vvvv ( comcast provider)
Please check on the text message.
.......I'm getting link has expired
No worries I will share it again.
.......its probably mixed up with prev attempts at this
just shared it again. it works and asks for payment method
.......can I add bank account here ?
Yes you can add it there as well.
.......done -- now I dont see HBO
Let me check please.
I apologize for my mistake, I just selected HBO but was not added to the cart !
I am sorry for it. we have a diff $ total?
I have submitted the consent again !
Yes the bill will go up by $14.99
.......expired again im in
Okay please check.
.......I agreed
.......its thinking
.......while waiting when in month do i get billed
.......stuck on " this should only take a moment"
Thank you for approving.
It is successfully done.
You will see the update in your plan in 24 hours.
.......HALLELUJAH !!!!
.......Its only my 4th attempt over the last 5 weeks
Oh Okay.
.......PS Its still stuck on " this should only take a
I apologize for the inconvenience!
.......I was FORCED INTO AUTOPAY to get
this to work
Alan the order went through and the you will get HBO on the account.
.......tell your supervisor
Oh yes ! I need to share the steps to enroll autopayment.
.......thanks for success have a great week
The pleasure is all mine.
Please stay connected.
.......I setup autopay from bank account already
I have successfully shared the steps.
You need to update it on My account as well.
.......really ?
Are you kidding ?
Alan could you please help me with the details so that I can do it for you ?
.......can you see my setup?
Yes, sure.
Alan just to confirm is the autopayment set up through Checking ending 8888.
Thank you for confirming.
The autopayment is now updated successfully !1
Do you have any other questions?
.......can you totally remove the old debit card?
Yes I can. Please allow me a moment.
.......actually BOTH debit cards
Both 8888 and 8888.
.......yes please
Sure thing.
Thanks for waiting. successfully done with it !!
.......thankyou ( sad that I cannot do it myself on the
web )
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Okay, Alan I am adding $20 credit from my end for the inconvenience you have
.......and late charges ?
There is no late fee on the account Alan.
.......I probably spent 15 hours over these 5 chat
.......OK THanks you have a good week
I apologize for the time and inconvenience.
Thank you for choosing Xfinity and have a great day! Take care Alan.
I have added $20 credit on your account.