Feb 2001, AB 857. The State Planning Priorities,
which are intended to promote equity, strengthen the economy, protect the
environment, and promote public health and safety in the state, including in
urban, suburban, and rural communities, shall be as follows:
(a) To promote infill development and equity by
rehabilitating, maintaining, and improving existing infrastructure that supports
infill development and appropriate reuse and redevelopment of previously
developed, underutilized land that is presently served by transit, streets,
water, sewer, and other essential services, particularly in underserved areas,
and to preserving cultural and historic resources.
(b) To protect environmental and agricultural resources
by protecting, preserving, and enhancing the state's most valuable natural
resources, including working landscapes such as farm, range, and forest lands,
natural lands such as wetlands, watersheds, wildlife habitats, and other
wildlands, recreation lands such as parks, trails, greenbelts, and other open
space, and landscapes with locally unique features and areas identified by the
state as deserving special protection.
(c) To encourage efficient development patterns by
ensuring that any infrastructure associated with development that is not infill
supports new development that uses land efficiently, is built adjacent to
existing developed areas to the extent consistent with the priorities specified
pursuant to subdivision (b), is in an area appropriately planned for growth, is
served by adequate transportation and other essential utilities and services,
and minimizes ongoing costs to taxpayers.
Transportation Planning must include
Jul 2001, AB133
(A) vehicle hours of delay per capita and vehicle miles traveled per capita.
B) road and bridge maintenance
(C) % trips (work and nonwork) (i) Single occupant
vehicle. (ii) Multiple occupant vehicle. (iii) Public transit including commuter
rail and intercity rail. (iv) Walking. (v) Bicycling.
(E) % population served by frequent and reliable public
transit, and % of all jobs accessible by
frequent and reliable public transit service, both with a breakdown by income bracket.
(G) include a project cost breakdown during the 20-year life of the plan that
includes total expenditures and related percentages
of total expenditures for all of the following: (i) State
highway expansion. (ii) State highway maintenance, and operations. (iii) Local
road and street expansion. (iv) Local road and street rehabilitation,
maintenance, and operation. (v) Mass transit, commuter rail, and intercity rail
expansion. (vi) Mass transit, commuter rail, and intercity rail rehabilitation,
maintenance, and operations. (vii) Pedestrian and bicycle facilities. (viii)
Environmental enhancements and mitigation. (ix) Research and planning.