True Cost of SMART v AUTO

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UnderstaNding the true cost of transportation

FoR the gas & roads we drive on $ 4.52  a day (only 1/2 is commute)

$3.50 a day for gas, oil etc...

52 cents a day gas taxes (80% of 65 cents total   -  for roads):  

( taxes for every gallon of gas:    18.4 CENTS Tax for the feds and  28 cents for the state, cities and counties     )

50 cents a day  to cities and counties to build and maintain their own streets and roads and pay for their policing  (in addition to the 1/4 of state gas sales tax they receive) .  

if you  give up your car to ride RAIL,  you save on average another $15.50  a day in owning an auto. 
but is there one single person who will?  Especially in Sonoma & marin?   

Actually smart rail will result in less people giving up their cars because the money, mis-directed towards rail, could have otherwise been more cost-effectively spent on express or rapid bus instead. $23 million out of the $70 million that otherwise would have gone towards bus .  ALL TO BE SPENT IN the next 2 years

for transit $9.63 a day 

          50 cents per day   -  sales tax depending on where you live and shop.

$9 a day -  SMART FARE  -   average roundtrip 60 miles @ $9 roundtrip, needed.

13 cents a day gas taxes  (20% of 65 cents   -   for transit)

Understanding US Transportation Cost

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Last modified: Thursday February 22, 2024.