MTC SPENDING: Transit v Highway

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Transit spending as a percentage of funding in long range transportation plan
What MTC will do for public transportation is reflected in the latest Regional Transportation Plan. Some 77% of all transportation funding over the next 25 years will be spent on public transportation. In fact, MTC's plan shows a larger percentage of transportation dollars being spent on public transportation than any other large metropolitan area in the nation.  This share is particularly generous when compared to the 6% of daily trips that are actually made on transit.
Highway spending as a percentage of funding in long range transportation plan
These facts stand in stark contrast to some of the criticisms by transit and environmental advocacy groups that MTC is funding too many highway projects. Highway lane additions amount to only a 5% increase over existing road miles and comprise only 4 % of the spending in MTC's 25-year plan, ranking MTC last among major metropolitan areas in spending on road capacity


• MTC SPENDING: Transit v HighwayBRT & Roadway ExpansionWhat can we learn from LA NewurbanismTraffic LOS (Level Of Service)Blueprint Briefing Book •    
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Last modified: Thursday February 22, 2024.