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Developers say the project would improve traffic
SAN MATEO -- Bay Meadows project includes new road connections, but many San Mateans fear the worst
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Developers say "Right now, Bay
Meadows is this 83-acre black spot in the circulation network," they say the plans call for  new roadway connections providing traffic relief. 10,000 people will considerably add to congestion, no matter how many roads you build thru the meadows. And so few will use the train it will  make a  negligible effect on congestion.
San Mateans opposed to the project fear it would attract upwards of 10,000 more people to and around Hillsdale Boulevard and Highway 101, an area already burdened with traffic.
They say they would like to keep the racetrack as is or have the city buy the land and
turn it into a large park

The Bay Meadows Land Company wants to develop 1,500 residential units, 2.1 million square feet of office space, 100,000 square feet of retail space, and 15 acres of open space over the next 20 years. None of the buildings would be over 55 feet and at least 10 percent of the residential units, which would come in the form of apartments, condos and townhouses, would be offered at a below-market rate.
City officials say the plan appears to be in sync with the city of San Mateo's own measures to deal with urban sprawl by creating jobs and housing near public transit.
For more than two years now, the city and a citizens' advisory committee have been making plans for a transportation corridor along El Camino Real to complement railroad improvements the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board has in the works.
Although its plans are still in the preliminary stages, the city is aiming for a transit-oriented development that would
compel people to leave their cars at home and rely on public transportation such as high-speed trains.

The land company has just begun working on an environmental impact report for the project that could take up to 15 months to complete. Meany says it will be, at the very least, several years before the first building goes up, and up to 20 years before the whole project is finished.
The City Council will review the landowner's proposal March 3 at a study session prior to its regular meeting.

Make your opinion known at the Official Discussion Board
Email the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board

Using procedures developed by Montgomery Co., MD., CEDS determined that Chestnut Hill Cove had only 18% of the open space and recreation facilities deemed adequate. We also found that residents of the County have one of the greatest recreation and open space deficits in the state. Creating amenities such as a nature trail, Park reduce the deficit
New US Census

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Last modified: Thursday February 22, 2024.